Part 58: Battle: En Gra-de!
Update 33: En Gra-de! (Battle)Welcome back to the worst pun of an update title, and Gra is happening. Lets finish this lameass one-map nation and get back to kicking down Hardins door. Im sure nothing could distract us after this anyway. Nothing.

Dont have too much else to say about Hows Everyone, now that were in the last stretch of the game. Time for the game.

Oh, theres another 50/50% chance of being a familiar face! Its Samson. In chapter 15 of Shadow Dragon, those two villages that had a Dracoshield and Energy Drop had Samson and Arran instead. Neither of them were good.

Everyone here has a death wish I guess.

That would be a good idea.

So on turn 1 you can reach this village. Good news, free character.

Bad news, Tomas. He was in Shadow Dragon and that bonus map we did ages ago. Ill forgive you for not remembering him because he might be the least memorable character ever.

I love that Marth doesnt even say anything.
Anyway heres Tomas. Hes uh...not great. I dont even know how you make it to Sniper with 10 Skill. (Jeorge had 10 Skill in Shadow Dragon but you got him in Chapter 9) His Growths are pretty good, (Around a 70% in Strength and Skill, if Im remembering right?) but this is sort of a case of Good luck using them. If youve been using Gordin, Jeorge, or Norne, theyre probably outdoing him at this point anyway.

Speaking of villages, this one stands a chance of getting destroyed if you dont do something about it. Catria is certainly something.

The first Sniper outside here gets Steved.

No one can wield an axe like Barst. No one. At least when he doesnt miss the second throw.

Thankfully Luke is on cleanup patrol.

I just noticed Lukes getting close to hitting 50 HP? Nice.

This would come in handy if I forgot Julian.

Basically just trickling everyone south at this point.

A bit of a beating, but Luke survives. More than can be said for the Warriors.

This was the fate of all three Dracoknights. I think one of them had a Hammer.

About the expected result.

This is at about the furthest south point of the map, and this thief is just...taunting me. I could reach him if I just had Luke or Steve dash for him immediately, but that would put them in danger and trigger the reinforcements.

Catria downs a generic brand Energy Drink, restoring 20 HP but probably disintegrating a couple organs.

Healing Magic is much safer. (please do not use Lets Play Fire Emblem 12 as your real life health care advice)

These enemies are fairly weak for their levels, which means a lot of easy levels. And good ones! All but Mag and Res is nearly perfect.

I want the thief. I want him.

This Sniper is not going to make that as easy as Id like.

If you take a peek at that hit rate you can see the number 1 weakness of Warriors. In a game with an extremely forgiving hit rate, this guy REALLY blows.

Moving Steve over to deal with the Sniper in that northwest building. Youve probably noticed by now that those Gra soldiers wont attack us, even if they wont get countered (like archers).
This makes them a billion times easier to deal with than Katarina.

Sirius and Luke down the Sniper. Ive given up on that thief because my attention span is horrible while I play this game.

Speaking of Thieves, there was one here. There is only Catria now.

...I really like Nosferatu.

Marth, can you get something for Malicia?


You might call that a waste of a Warp use. I call it free Nosferatu.

This map is pretty much all Snipers and Warriors. Those both have pretty exploitable weaknesses!

Pretty solid level on Steve there.

Have I mentioned Warriors cant hit for shit?

Neither can Snipers if Navvvvvvvvvvvvvv leans casually.

What? Single digit health?

Julians time to shine!

wait why does Julian have higher defense than Ogma. Like ½ the health,

Hypothesis: Jumping very high makes you hit men harder and also what appears to be a lens flare or urine covers the camera.

Hypothesis confirmed, and thats about all the enemies dealt why does it say there are still 7 Archaneans left? Theyre hiding.

So, uh, the reinforcements are supposed to trigger when you run down here, but apparently Warping someone all the way to the edge of the map just skips it. Im gonna go back and see if I can wake them up.

Here we go.

There, my actions are justified!

This too, would be scary, but apparently Dracoknights also cant hit for shit. Axes still have that issue if you arent Barst.

And thats all the reinforcements.

So heres what Marths been doing this whole time.

Generic Villager: But didn't you Alteans come here to exact revenge on us?

Thats the weirdest sex euphemism Ive ever heard.

Its sort of dangerous to have Julian open this door, so Im just going to use a key on Luke. Also Merrics here now. This map has a lot of downtime where youre just scooting guys around, so I didnt bother screenshotting all of that. I dont hate you.

Oh, hey, open chest? I guess the Nosferatu was in there. Also a Warrior and a Sniper, a shocking twist for this map.

Speaking of Door Keys, I was looking for one but uh...we just still have this. We will never use this.

A little charred, but it works.

Now to move Julian in for the other chest in here. Not this one. I may not have been fully awake while I took these screens.

Thanks to the amazing power of the ethereal convoy, I can grab that Key Merric sent there from across the map, saving me crucial turns on this, the worlds highest turn count run.

Opening that door is a little more frightening though. Thats...uh...thats a lot of guys.

Also it spawns reinforcements when you open it. Because fuck you.

Low hit rates save me again.


And now Nabab is on a roll. (and has more defense than Ogma what the fuck Ogma)

Aw. Well, it had a good run.

Meanwhile this parade of men tries to murder Marth.

Catria can pick one of them off.

Kind of a lame treasure for one you have to go so out of your way to get,

I know Ive been bitching about Ogmas defense all update, but Im sure he can hold this point.

Again. I may not have been fully awake.

Oh, good. All is right with the world again.

Hypothesis confirmed again on repeat test.

Well, Ill just have to dig in the pile of these we have lying around later.

So uh, Sheemas here, but it is impossible to reach her with Marth on one turn outside her range without Feena/Again Staff usage. Well have to soak a hit from Samson.

It shouldnt be that big a deal.

See? Everyone was okay.

Actually hey, thanks Samson.

Smug Marth get the fuck out of here youre ruining it again. (holy shit Sheemas expression is so good for this)

Considering they literally stabbed his dad in the back and nearly murdered Cain too, Marth is really forgiving.

Sweet, we got a Vassal State. Now we can achieve a Space Race victory. Naturally you cant get this conversation if you kill one of the Gra soldiers, Sheema wont even speak to you.

Sheema is a general with 32 HP and 8 Speed. Im trying to look for a good stat here, and I guess the 17 Defense is okay? Her growths are good, but like so many other characters, its hard to get her to use them. She was apparently pretty solid in the original FE3, especially because mounted units were severely nerfed on indoor maps, but thats not the case anymore, so...uh...8 speed. The game just gave you Macellan and Dolph anyway.
Pretty much the only interesting things about Sheema are that she has an A rank in Lances so she can use the legendary lance when we get it, and that if I google fe12 sheema there is apparently actually fan art of this character, which is more than I can say for most of the cast of Fire Emblem 12.
She can, at least, talk to Samson.

I uh...guess this is romantic?

Heres Samson he is also bad. If you desperately need a hero, I mean...I guess? But you could just reclass someone and you never NEED a specific class. At least Astram had Mercurius. Dont worry though, he gets support bonuses from...Arran.

Wait, Tomas, what are you doing?


Yeah, if you kill a Gra soldier even after recruiting Sheema and Samson, they will defect to enemy units. This apparently didnt happen in FE3, so it was recommended you have Sheema slaughter all her own citizens to take advantage of her growths.
But lets just go back to the real timeline where none of that happened and we still have Sheema and Samson.


Since when was Steve our tactician? We have Katarina now, wasnt she an actual tactician, sorta? I mean, she was BSing, but she still graduated knight training. Will the game ever acknowledge Katarina again? yes, once or twice

Lets go look for things to put on my head up there.

Weve already had our fair share of vertigo narration.

Alright, now onto Hardin!


People keep doing this.

Chapter 3.

We crossed an ocean. We walked through a volcano. We teleported once. Holy shit Frost owns. (i know it probably means he only followed for a while but shh dont ruin my second favorite old man priest in this game)

Uh, so, we have Frost now. Frost brings with him a THREAD VOTE.
Just like Dice/Maris, he originated in a BS FE chapter. So, the question is, would you rather I do that one now? Or should I wait a few maps to do it? Either way itll be pretty relevant to what we do next. Next of those things. Thanks for reading.